The French Quarter of New Orleans is one of the city’s most iconic areas, full of charm, mystery, and history. With its cobblestone streets, historic buildings, and unique cultural vibe, this neighborhood attracts visitors from all over the world. But beyond its architectural beauty and vibrant […]
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Sulawessi és una gran illa d’Indonèsia. Son molts els atractius naturals que te per ser visitada, però si alguna cosa especial podem destacar d’aquesta illa és sens dubte la presència dels Toraja. Els Toraja son una ètnia que viuen a les muntanyes del centre-oest de l’illa, […]
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To the southeast of the southern island of New Zealand there is a coastal region known as Catlins. It is a place of extreme beauty where nature and marine wildlife are the protagonists, because human activity is very scarce. This is an area that, due to […]
This is the second post of pictures about Gastronomy. In these articles I want to leave you a photographic summary where you can find all the subjects related wit the cuisine and gastronomy of all the places I’ve visited. You can find restaurants, typical food, beverages, markets, etc. […]
The orangutan is an endangered species. In Borneo and Sumatra there are several national parks where they are protected and assisted for the population to increase in the future. In Borneo they are burning thousands of hectares of rainforest land to make palm oil plantations to […]
Andreu Ródenas